Creativity is everybody’s job with Jeremy Kriegel


Listens: 483

Software People Stories


In this episode, I am in conversation with Jeremy Kriegel, a UX leader and the host of the Saving UX podcast.

Jeremy shares

  • Getting into UX accidentally
  • Started in the mid 90s, Undergrad in CMU, Art and English
  • Studying electronic and time based media and working with robotic sculpture
  • A friend asking for help with creating a website
  • Hiring friends and colleagues to start an agency
  • Getting introduced to HCI and taking a more formal approach to learning UX
  • How his stint with Xerox was a great learning experience
  • Moving on to various companies across industries
  • One common theme has been agile ways of working
  • Working with xerox printers that were complex -- from tree to book - and managing the various steps and interactions
  • The relevance of user research and how or why many organizations do not do that
  • About creating processes that meets a team’s needs
  • How creativity is part of everyone’s work
  • Jeff Patton’s guidance on creating a holistic vision in  lightweight way and a tree analogy
  • Shares a story about an experience with working on a poker platform that needed to comply with new taxability regulations in France
  • His thumb rule of gathering inputs from 8 people, for a more comprehensive understanding
  • Quantitative gives a lot of what, but not why..
  • Letting go of internal bias [not asking leading questions etc]
  • Why role based personas approach need to be re-looked at, to identify inflexion points to understand how their needs change over time
  • Learning from the model used by many games
  • The benefit of not optimizing for first use experience
  • Helping the user stay focused and accomplish their goals; with post-pandemic, how can UX discipline help not only stay focused, but also provide breaks to refresh themselves

Jeremy Kriegel is a UX leader, very active on various professional forums.He is also the host of the podcast ‘Saving UX’