Celebrating 250 with guest host Gopalan


Listens: 698

Software People Stories


This a very special episode for all us, hosts - and assume, for you, our listener as well.

This is the 250th episode of the Software People Stories.

About 5 years ago, A desire to learn something new and leverage that learning to pay it forward to the community, led to the launch of this podcast.

What started as Software Lifecycle Stories pivoted to Software People Stories and thanks to all your encouragement and love, we are at 250.

This episode is a little different from the usual episodes in that we have reversed the roles.

The very first guest on the show, Goplan, plays the host and the three co-hosts, me, Chitra and Gayatri are the guests.

In a freewheeling conversation, Gopal had many questions about what happens behind the scenes and inside our minds in the context of being associated with the podcast.

The topics covered include:

  • What the experience has been for the hosts to have a consistent and regular schedule
  • How was the experience of discovering new aspects of people that you have known for long, through the podcast conversation
  • If the hosts had a structure in mind for the conversations
  • How such structures work when there are multiple guests

Gopal asked for some examples of things that went right and some things that did not go as per plan.

The answers to that questions and more interesting questions, listen to the next episode, which is part 2 of this special conversation, to celebrate the milestone of 250 episodes.