Maureen Monte, author of Destination Unstoppable. She will discuss using the Clifton Strengths Finder to identify and harness the energy of your stren...
Three time Olympic gold medalist,Heather Mitts. We talk about overcoming adversity, being coachable & life after sport. She talks about her companies,...
Hear Lisa Berg speak about her coaching journey from being a player at the University of Minnesota, to coaching in Uganda and Growing the Game for Gir...
Southwestern University head coach and World Cup winner & Olympic Gold Medalist, Linda Hamilton. We are talking about social impact through soccer, co...
well known researcher and advocate for women in sports, Dr. Nicole LaVoi. Co-Director of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport at t...
David Berri, author, professor and sport economics expert. We will be discussing the economics of soccer. presented by So...
Interacting with your board, conflict resolution & creating a Human Resources reporting system to protect youth coaches with my good friend Ruth E. Ni...
Coach Ralph Perez who has been a mentor in my life for 20+ years. We will discuss Div III soccer, MLS/NWSL and how men can help advocate for women in ...