Acts 4 (Part 1) What is persecution? How do believers in western culture experience persecution, (or do they at all?) What sort of things should the b...
What is persecution? How did it affect the early church and how are we persecuted today in our western American context? Join us in Acts 4 as we see h...
Join us today on The Rest of the Sermon as we talk movie trailers about miracles. What is a miracle? What's the point of a Miracle? Turn to Acts 3 and...
What is a miracle? What are they for? Join us in Acts 3 as we see a remarkable healing of a lame man and what that means for us today. It's all about ...
How can we share our faith and proclaim the gospel publicly? Is that my job or the job of the pastor? Do I need to be in community or can I live this ...
Join us in part 2 of our journey in Acts chapter 2 as we see how The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, empowers us as believers to both pr...
Join us today on The Rest of the Sermon as we discuss Acts Chapter 2 (Part 1 of 2.) Discover with us how the Holy Spirit is the source for the Christi...
Who is the Holy Spirit? What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is alive inside of us and why is that good news? Join us today in Part 1 of our focus o...
Have you ever had to wait in a long line at the DMV only to be told you don't have the right information and need to come back again? Have you ever be...