Two Geeks Different Streets

Listens: 3


Eric and Peter are two geeks who grew up on two completely different streets, comic book streets! Eric is the DC guy and Peter is the Marvel guy. Join them each episode as they read, discuss, and compare comic books and characters from DC and Marvel.

MCU & Me: Guardians of the Galaxy

Ooga-chacka! Ooga-ooga! In this episode of MCU & Me, Juliette is introduced to the plucky group of misfits, the Guardians of the Galaxy! So strap in a...
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MCU & Me: Thor - The Dark World

Gather 'round for another episode of MCU & Me, where I introduce my girlfriend to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This episode we watched "Thor: The Da...
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MCU & Me: Iron Man 3

We are now in Phase Two of our MCU watchthrough as I introduce the Marvel movies to my girlfriend, Juliette. Join us this episode as we watch Juliette...
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MCU & Me: The Avengers

Avengers Assemble! We've finally reached the end of Phase One as Peter introduces Juliette to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This episode we watched "...
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MCU & Me: Thor

We're back with another episode of MCU & Me where Peter introduces his girlfriend, Juliette, to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This episode, Juliette ...
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Ms. Marvel: Stretch It Out

Shrink! Embiggen! Shrink! Embiggen! It's time for an inhuman episode of TGDS where we cover the stretchy superhero, Ms. Marvel, a.k.a Kamala Khan! We ...
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