On this episode of Indie Outlook Robert offers E3 impressions of Genesis Alpha One, Escapists 2, and Yoku’s Island Express, as well as hands-on impres...
This episode, Robert, Jeremy, and Blue discuss favorite technologies from across the globe, before venturing into a spirited discussion of their recen...
In this year-end wrap up, the crew offers impressions of Heartnomics: Lost Count, Let It Die, and revisits old favorites on the NES Classic Edition. W...
For episode 15-2 of the Tech-Gaming Podcast, we assemble into Indie Outlook form to tackle a quartet of tower defense, speedrun, run-and-gun, and braw...
With 2015 is winding down, the Tech-Gaming crew ruminates on their favorite games across a variety of platforms. Additionally, the team discusses some...
After the first recording was sacrificed to the Podcasting Gods (OK, transformed into a zero-byte file) Robert and Say are back to deliver another epi...
This week, the crew offers their own distinctive take on games, Ghibli, and gossip. From revisiting Grand Theft Auto V, racing the wildlife filled roa...
This episode, Robert and Say intrepidly attempt to lead a roster of post plane crash survivors in Dyscourse, travel through game history in A Pixel St...
This episode, the crew offers impressions of Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo, Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Monster Hunter 4, Dead or Alive: Last...
Three hour marathon episodes too long for your busy schedule? Episode 14-5 of the Tech-Gaming Podcast has been hitting Wii Fit hard, slimming down its...