The Tales of Efficiantum is a horror fiction podcast that follows a man uncovering the strange mysteries of the city of Efficiantum. Powerful corporate interests rule the city and cast their control over all aspects of life. But outside of their sight, strange occurrences arise that defy understanding. Only those that have opened the door can begin to investigate the things that lie beyond the threshold.
A plan is hatched. One last question is asked. A story ends. Find more information at and follow us @efficiantum on twitter or like th...
Knowledge is stolen from the gods. Scars are washed. Torches in the dark. Find more information at and follow us @efficiantum on twitt...
A Corp is infiltrated. Two minds clash. Resolve is tested. Find more information at and follow us @efficiantum on twitter or like the ...
A body heals. A chemist reveals. A contact is made. Find more information at and follow us @efficiantum on twitter or like the Efficia...
An agent calls. A resolution is sealed. A battle is joined. Find more information at and follow us @efficiantum on twitter or like the...
A spiral is walked. A mind awakens. A need hungers. Find more information at and follow us @efficiantum on twitter or like the Efficia...
The faces in the rain leave impressions deep and enduring. The world opens and reveals its strangeness. Find more information at and f...
Welcome to the city of Efficiantum, where the rain always falls, where the Autocrats reign, and where things are just beginning. Find more informatio...
Coming June 30 Find more information at and follow us @efficiantum on twitter or like the Efficiantum Project on Facebook Written and ...
Introducing the Tales of Efficiantum A story of a city, of a man, and of a mystery that runs through both Coming June 30th Find more information at ef...