The #LooTalks Podcast

Listens: 3403


#LooTalks, brought to you by Volunteer4India and Macklan, is a platform for women where they can feel safe discussing any issue that's close to their heart. The insecurities, irritations with the norms, rage about the way we are treated (or mistreated) are all discussed here openly and fearlessly. Each week, we will bring you stories of women like you, me or the ones we see around, sharing their real-life experiences on some of the most common issues relating to Health, Career, Relationships and Safety.

06 - Last two years

#LooTalksOnSafety gives women a platform to discuss safety as an issue. It addresses almost all possible aspects of safety. From safety in public tran...
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04 - 20 Years Ago

#LooTalksOnSafety gives women a platform to discuss safety as an issue. It addresses almost all possible aspects of safety. From safety in public tran...
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00 - Introduction to #LooTalks

This is a platform for women where they can feel safe discussing any issue that's close to their heart. The start of the #LooTalks movement is here.
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