Tadka Laga Ke

Listens: 292.96k


Add spice to your food. HubHopper. 'Tadka Laga Ke' brought to you by 'Gharrkul Masala' is a podcast about the uniqueness in Indian Cooking. We will explore recipes, cook some tasty ones and discuss health – the Indian way. Through this weekly podcast we aim to bring a little spiciness to your life with some tasty, tried and tested recipes from our own Kitchen.

Ep 03 - How to Kande Pohe Recipe

Kande Pohe is a recipe made out of flattened rice. While this recipe has undergone many a changes and become aloo pohe and vegetable pohe, the real an...
Show notes


Wondering what’s so different about Indian Cooking and why Indian recipes are so unique and different from a lot of the others recipes from around the...
Show notes