The Opportunist tells true stories of regular people who turn sinister simply by being opportunistic. How does an everyday person turn into a thief, a...
Multiple law enforcement agencies in California are hunting for an armed suspect, who allegedly ambushed Paso Robles police officers on Wednesday morn...
A man involved in a slow-speed chase in Fort Lauderdale is being investigated in connection with a double homicide.In Texas, a three-month-old girl wa...
A Utah mother allegedly drove her minivan into a golf-course pond, with her 18-month-old son still strapped into his car seat, killing the child.Miami...
An Arizona couple has been charged in connection with the death of Brittany Hand.Authorities in Texas have issued an Amber Alert for seven-month-old S...
Seven people were found shot dead inside a Valhermoso Springs, Alabama, home.Police in Utah have two suspects in custody in connection with the death ...
An American man is in custody in Russia, awaiting extradition to Colorado, where he has been charged with the 2016 murder of his then-girlfriend.A Wes...
The mother of Waco toddler, Frankie Gonzalez, whose body was discovered on Tuesday, has been charged in connection with his death.In Utah, a father is...
More information is released regarding the autopsy reports published on Monday finding George Floyd’s manner of death to be homicide.A body is found i...
A truck driver, who allegedly drove into a crowd of Minneapolis protestors, has been arrested and charged.Authorities in Belgium and France have arres...