Story Time with Soha Ali Khan

Listens: 925.22k


Stories have the power to transport the reader to a fantastical, magical land, away from the monotony of daily life. Stories enrich a child’s life and unleash vivid imagination. Juggernaut Books brings to you a curated list of children’s stories by the country’s top publishers. We have HarperCollins India, Karadi Tales, Rupa Publishers, Scholastic and more onboard to bring you and your child this experience. In each episode of the Hubhopper Original Story Time with Soha Ali Khan, actress, mom, and writer Soha Ali Khan will read out one story that will leave your child in a whimsical place.

The Rumour

Have you heard of the Telephone Game? In this game, one person whispers something into another’s ear. The second person then repeats the words to the ...
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Night of the Doberman

This week’s story will make you fall in love with the carefree days where we have pet names for teachers, and code language only our closest friends u...
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The Great Shoe Problem

This week, we’re going back to school. But, this is no ordinary school! It’s a school for grasshoppers and ants and centipedes all sorts of tiny insec...
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Hanuman's Adventures

Before Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia, there was Ramayana - a story about a prince and a princess - Lord Rama and Sita - in a forest, with ...
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Girl in the Garden (Part 02)

Do you believe in ghosts? No? Neither do we! But, we sure love a good ghost story. If you’re spooked out by the supernatural, maybe skip this one. But...
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The Girl In The Garden (Part 01)

Do you believe in ghosts? No? Neither do we! But, we sure love a good ghost story. If you’re spooked out by the supernatural, maybe skip this one. But...
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The Night Before Christmas

We have countless festivals in India and each one of them is a magical experience in its own way. This week’s story, ‘The Night Before Christmas’ is a...
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Uma vs Upma

In ‘Uma vs Upma’ written by Meera Ganapathi, Illustrated by Renuka Rajiv and published by Pratham Books, the 9-year-old Uma is stuck in a fight with u...
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The Watermelon God

‘The Watermelon God’, written by Neha Singh, is a short story that is part of a collection of stories for kids called Moongphali and published by Rupa...
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