Stories from the Inside

Listens: 5


What happens after you are sent to prison? Stories of struggle, of resilience and of healing from Western Australians whose lives have been touched by the justice system. Brought to you by Social Reinvestment WA, a coalition of organisations working to build a better justice system for everyone.

Ep.5 Robert | Season 2

Robert's parents dealt drugs, stability and safety were not pillars of his upbringing. After his first armed robbery with his uncle, Robert's crimes b...
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Ep.4 Gaby | Season 2

Gaby was an angry kid and her needs weren't being met. She was homeless at 15 and fell into drugs and then crime. Gaby slipped through our system's cr...
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Ep.3 Verna | Season 2

Stuck on the outskirts of town, with a history of institutionalised racism, incarceration, and inter-generational trauma. Verna has 8 brothers and sis...
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Ep.2 Connor | Season 2

Young, poor and in the cycle of drugs and crime; how do you get out?As a kid Connor's home life was turbulent, his parents were drug dealers and the p...
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Ep.1 Desi | Season 2

Desi grew up with older cousins who were involved in crime, in a neighbourhood where gangs were cool. He was taken away at a young age from his parent...
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Ep.5 Tyronne

What happens when you report sexual abuse and are ignored?As a kid Tyronne* had to deal with his mother's drug and alcohol abuse.He was taken from her...
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Ep.4 Jennifer

It's late at night your son calls you and says mum I'm in trouble, there is a warrant our for my arrest. How would you react?This wasn't the call Jenn...
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Ep.3 Josh

Kids in WA's justice system are nine times as likely to have been under the care of child protection.Josh was a DCP kid.He suffered abuse, struggled w...
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Ep.2 Theresa

Your mum, dad, brothers, sisters, nan, pop, nieces and nephews have all spent time in prison - What chance do you have of avoiding the justice system?...
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Ep.1 Renna

Your partner has died, you've lost your house, and in the depths of despair your children are removed - How would you react?Renna is an Aboriginal mot...
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