State-Lines Podcast

Listens: 15

About contributors and other guests talk about sports, pop culture, and life with host Jarrett Haas. If you are interested in sponsoring the official State-Lines Podcast or other State-Lines Network podcasts, email #StateLines

Why Should I Love Baseball?

When this series launched, I planned on doing some podcasts as part of the offerings.  Instead of the traditional "I can't stand Beach Volleyball" art...
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One Trip Little

The re-launch of the State Lines podcast is here!  We have a new format, and we're excited for you to check it out.  Each week we have a rotating cast...
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NFL Preview with The Hof

The Hof and The Haas get together to preview the NFL season.  Bottom line is, if they don't mention it, it's not happening. #StateLines. State-Lines.c...
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State-Lines Interviews Mark Part 2

Part 1 of Mark's interview was awesome.  If you haven't listened to it, you should... Eventually.  SInce you are here, just listen to part 2!  We talk...
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State-Lines Interviews Mark Part 1

Mark and Jarrett go way back.  Don't belive it?  They talk about meeting in middle school, being dorky, cool, getting bullied, and trying to figure ou...
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State-Lines Interviews Julien

We get back to interviews with this awesome episode.  This is kind of a cool moment, when two guys who had never met until about an hour before this r...
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Seminole Perspective Ep 2

Thanks for listeining to Seminole Perspective, the podcast that doesn't over react to FSU news.  This episode we tackle the off the field image of Flo...
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