Welcome to your guide to the silver screen where we review films and TV shows of every genre. We also discuss movie news and history that excites and intrigues us.
►Start with Your Guide to Frank Herbert's Dune https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/i5gy2u/dune_2000_bgafxfi.mp3 It had been just shy of 16 years since D...
It had been just shy of 16 years since David Lynch’s Dune killed the prospects of a franchise—with the advent of digital visual effects, and the tv mi...
►Start with Your Guide to Dune https://silverscreenguide.podbean.com/e/your-guide-to-dune-1984/ Before Corbin and Allen review Denis Villeneuve's Du...
Before Corbin and Allen review Denis Villeneuve's Dune, releasing October 22nd, they are doing a spin-off series, reviewing every adaption of Frank He...
Before Corbin and Allen review Denis Villeneuve's Dune, releasing October 22nd, they are starting a spin-off series, reviewing every adaption of Frank...
►Start with Your Guide to Arrival https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/eud852/arrival_bgblnrk.mp3 Not even a year after Denise went south of the border, ...
Not even a year after Denise went south of the border, he went into outer-space...or the space aliens came to us. Earning 8 Oscar nominations, includi...
►Start with Your Guide to Sicario https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/svzk38/sicario_bga8hwd.mp3 Just 20 months after Denis's indie sleeper-hit, Enemy, ...
Just 20 months after Denis's indie sleeper-hit, Enemy, he tackled a tough subject matter...America's southern border. Touting major stars such as Emil...
►Start with Your Guide to Enemy https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/j627rg/enemy_BG6h57f.mp3 Despite shooting before Prisoners, Denis's sixth film came ...