SERIES FINALE! The gods arrive as Coyote and Sportsman instigate a prison riot. Golden Arrow makes an impossible decision. As U.S. Ape's loyalty waver...
Golden Arrow is forced to reconcile with his past when the Phantom X team is tasked with robbing Knox II's Villain Underground. As the God War looms, ...
Deep in the Argentinian jungle, the Phantom X team is tasked with assassinating a religious cultist. U.S. Ape's tenuous grip on leadership slips as th...
Left on the Ground As a violent gunfight erupts at a mob figure's funeral, the de-powered Phantom X members scramble to complete their mission and esc...
The team is tasked to humiliate a prominent Russian crime boss without setting off a gang war in the process. The problem? U.S. Ape's field command ov...
Why have hundreds of supercriminals been renditioned by the US Government to serve as soldiers in the Phantom X Project? How did low-grade bank robber...