Short stories for kids

Listens: 18.38k


This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)

Little Bear by Else Holmelund

Kids can be as imaginative as a dream. They can come up with any idea and are all game to make it come true. This sweet story of a little bear being p...
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Luv learns to walk

Luv is learning to walk. But he stumbles a lot. But now he is an elder brother to this adorable pup Spotty! And now Luv stumbles no more!
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Hurry up Chika!

Check oIn a world where society celebrates extroversion, I guess it would be unfair and maybe even devastating to push our children into it while thei...
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kashyap and his Kitten

Kashyap is just sad. He won't go cycling with Anak or Gautam, neither would slip alongside mom to get his own fill of a jar from the milkman .. How CO...
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