Sexy Marriage Radio

Listens: 162


Straight-forward, honest conversations about what goes on behind closed doors in your marriage. Turn on Sexy!

Birthday Favors #553

On the Regular version of today’s show … A voicemail from a listener pushing back on how we answered a wife in a prior episode. He believes she should...
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Break Out Of A Sexual Rut #551

Pam goes through a Sex Ed Quiz again. Follow along to see how you do. A wife wants to know how to best co-parent with her step-kids mom, who is now in...
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Married Sex #550

A conversation with Gary Thomas about his newest book, Married Sex. You can learn about Gary and his work here - On the Xtended...
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Great Sex Rescue #549

Sheila Wray Gregoire joins me as we talk about her newest book, The Great Sex Rescue. Learn more about Sheila on her site https://tolovehonorandvacuum...
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Arousal vs Attraction #548

An email from a wife who wants to know if asking questions to her husband about his past struggle with porn will increase the temptation. A voicemail ...
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If I Do This Will You Do That #546

After our segment on BDSM in Episode #541 we received a couple of emails about how we totally missed the mark are came across as judgmental. Today we ...
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Dealing With Breast Cancer #545

I'm joined by Dr Laurie Watson and we talk about how breast cancer impacts a couple's  married life, sex life and desire - plus the journey for both s...
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