The Obstinate Heart
Today as we continue in John 6 we experience Jesus giving one of His greatest sermons to massive crowd that had followed Him to Capernaum. The Bread o...
The Believers and The Pretenders
Are you a -True Believer- or are you a -Pretender-. Here in John chapter 6 we see the story of Jesus walking on the water. Within this account there t...
John 6:1-15 "The Best Thing I ever Ate"
Here in John chapter six verses one through fifteen we discover the miracle of Jesus feeding thousands. Within this incredible miracle stands a Truth ...
John 5:1-16 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Have you ever heard or used the phrase, -no good deed goes unpunished-- It seems that should have been the motto for Jesus. He did nothing but good an...
John 4:43-54 Unbelief
Do you have unbelief in your life- Yes, we all do. Jesus responds to our unbelief in a very direct and complete way. Today we discover Jesus' remedy f...
John 4:27-42 The Savior Of The World
Here in the story of the -Woman At The Well- we see an incredible truth come to light through the Samaritans of Sychar. As they are invaded by the pre...
John 4:1-26 "Living Water"
What is -Living Water-- And why does Jesus interact with the Samaritan woman the way He does- Listen today and learn the lesson that Jesus is teaching...
John 2:13-22 Guarding The Temple
Understanding how Jesus feels about His Father's temple should be the greatest encouragement to Christians. Today Pastor Dustin unpacks this clear and...