1993 was a big year for a popular radio personality, beginning in New York, and witnessed the demise of many beloved performers. Skirt lengths were un...
In 2012 we survived the end of the world, lost the voice of an angel, and got our Star Wars hopes set high. Mars becomes a bit less foreign, we lear...
Listen to two very intelligent and passionate women speak about their convictions about the topic of adoption. Each will tell her own story. Also, vi...
Listen as we take a trip back to 1949 and talk about how and when the term "Murphy's Law" was coined. Tiphaine Boyer tells us two stories that epitom...
Ever wonder what middle school boys talk about? In December (2016), I was asked to teach a tutorial on podcasting, at our local middle school. No gi...
For our first episode of 2017, we wanted to share some of our own stories! Join us as we attempt to interview an old, special friend and share some o...
1980 was a year that saw much political change, fraud that stripped awards from several women, and upcoming hall of fame athletes. We witnessed a "li...
Kay and I both work for the University of Alaska's Kodiak College. Education is extremely important to both of us. For this reason, we gladly gave u...