Real Life Church: Video

Listens: 38


Real Life Church is striving to become a community of real people, growing in real faith in Jesus Christ and meeting the real needs of others. These messages are our gift to you but if you would like to worship through tithe or giving, you may utilize our online payment capability found here:

You Always Have An Audience

When you are at your lowest, when life just cannot seem to get worse, pray and worship. Our God hears and will use your circumstances.
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Saul was converted by God. He heard the message of Christ, saw the majesty of Christ, and was led by the Holy Spirit into ministry. The same Holy Spir...
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#goodnews - Audio

Saul was converted by God. He heard the message of Christ, saw the majesty of Christ, and was led by the Holy Spirit into ministry. The same Holy Spir...
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