Shadow Work Meditation: Integrate Your Dark Side
Our shadow side is the part of us that we repress, hide, neglect, or avoid because we make it unacceptable. But if we learn to integrate it, there'...
Our shadow side is the part of us that we repress, hide, neglect, or avoid because we make it unacceptable. But if we learn to integrate it, there'...
This meditation will help you reconnect with your inner child and rekindle those traits you lost touch with as an adult. As a result, you will find...
Learn to see that attachment and detachment – both are illusory. You can't attach or detach to someone or some experience because it's not possible...
You're like a radio channel. Whatever you tune into, you broadcast. Your reality is the reflection of the chronic frequency you hold. If you want y...
Surrender yourself and resurrect as God so you can serve the world as God wants you to. In that surrender, you realize that everything you truly wa...
What you tolerate in your consciousness is what your standard is. Be done with the vibrations that don't serve you anymore. Quit telling yourself s...
Eliminate all doubt and develop unbreakable trust in the universe where there are no mistakes, all seeming imperfections are seen as perfect, and y...
You are either radiating or absorbing. Each moment is a new opportunity to make a choice. Find out the difference between the two and learn how to ...
Quit seeking love from the world when you are the source. Not only are you loved, but you are Love. And if you are Love, there's nothing outside of...
Tune into the feeling of your wishes fulfilled to occupy the state of being that attracts the reality that you prefer. Let your best life manifest ...