Of Secrets, Nature ... and ... of my Cats

Listens: 10


Poetry and Writings of Donna Lyon Rhose

She Speaks

For the audio Podcast of poem, click below on title in bold: SHE SPEAKSYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!She Speaks is a poem about the The Di...
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First Plants

For the audio Podcast of poem, click below on title in bold: FIRST PLANTSYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!First Plants is a poem about the Ce...
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For the audio Podcast of poem, click below on title in bold: ENCHANTRESSYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!Enchantress is a poem about Enlighte...
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For Gary

For the audio Podcast of poem, click below on title in bold: FOR GARYYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!This poem, "For Gary", is for my husban...
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Little Hearts

For the audio Podcast of this poem, click below on title in bold: LITTLE HEARTSYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!Little Hearts is a poem that ...
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Divine Masculine and Love as Power

For the audio Podcast of this poem, click below on title in bold: DIVINE MASCULINE AND LOVE AS POWERYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!This rea...
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For the audio Podcast of this poem, click below on title in bold: WINDWALKERYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!This is a poem about the WindWal...
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Silver Music

For the audio Podcast of this poem, click below on title in bold: SILVER MUSICYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!Silver Music is a poem about W...
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Dance The Round

For the audio Podcast of this poem, click below on title in bold: DANCE THE ROUNDYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!This poem is about a Seeker...
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