We talk changes in Michaela's life, how COVID is impacting coaching and the sport of weightlifting, and what lies ahead for International Competition ...
Michaela Breeze discusses her new groundbreaking book which challenges current thought and terminology in coaching. She also updates us on what she ha...
Interview with Michaela Breeze. Michaela sits down with us midweek, while she was commentating on the 2019 European Championships. We discuss the comp...
In our first ıntervıew with Ghana's National Team Coach and Coach of USA's Kendrick Ferris we discuss Kyle's background in the sport, starting young l...
In this podcast from February we discuss recent events, talk about Kyle Pierce's program and reflect on Jim's start in the business, gym dos and don't...
Wow! This one is well worth the wait. We talk about Jim's experiences at the Rio Olympics, the lifting, the games and the effects doping has had past,...
In this warmer to the Rio Games, Jim and I discuss the recent positives coming out of Houston and London. The preparations for the Games. The USA's ch...