Mysteries of the Mass - Fr. Bill's Personal Pages

Listens: 17


Mysteries of the Mass: Reflections on the Sacred Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church - Join host, Fr. Bill Holtzinger, as he offers reflections, teachings, interviews, and more about the Mass.

MMP 27 - ALH Workshop, Pt. 2

Episode 27 (1:11:35)In this episode: Msgr. Gerard O'Connor explains and briefly reviews the content in the Archdiocesan Liturgical Handbook (ALH). Q&A...
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MMP 26 ALH Workshop, Pt. 1

Episode 26 (1:10:09)In this episode: (Part 1 of 2) Mgr. Gerard O'Connor introduces himself; Describes the background and creation of the Archdiocesan ...
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MMP 24 - What Happens At Mass?

Episode 24 (18:17) In this episode: Can you explain what happens at Mass? How is Mass a sacrifice, celebration, and sacred meal? How Mass re-presents ...
Show notes