LOMAH Special Needs Podcast

Listens: 700


The LOMAH Special Needs Podcast is an in depth look at topics relevant to raising our special needs children. The show runs topical series deep diving into an issue for 10-12 episodes. Series include education, safety, advocacy, inclusion, technology, housing, health, and more. Your host, Kim, is the mother of a teenage daughter with type 3 autism, epilepsy, hypotonia, and intellectual disability. For behind the scenes of the journey, find Kim on Instagram @journey2lomah

#153 - The Need for Niche Therapy

Complex needs necessitate a more specialized approach toward therapy. Often the “Big 3” of speech, OT, and PT are not specialized enough to address co...
Show notes

#146 - Literacy Series Recap

In this final episode of the literacy series, Kim shares how she is implementing into Miranda's literacy instruction what the guests have taught and w...
Show notes