Life...It Happens with Sherra Edgar

Listens: 153


Let’s talk about life-real life! The good, the bad, the ugly-whatever! It’s life and it happens!

Inventory Day

How are your 2020 “resolutions” (except not really resolutions) going? I guess I’m between 50-75%. Listen in to where I find myself on Inventory Day a...
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Greetings from The Big Apple

Hey, everyone, hey! I’m in one of my FAVORITE places-New York City! We are having the best time, listen to find out what I’ve been doing.
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Parenting During the Winter

Hands down, parenting is the most difficult job EVER! But parenting when “winter” sets in for your child...whew, SO HARD! Listen to the sequel to last...
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Life Outtakes, Episode 1

OK, let me just warn you guys...I’M HAVING A MOMENT! Another diagnosis, because, you know, the ones I already have are somehow not enough. Do you ever...
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Dreamin in 2020

Calling all dreamers! Yes, you there, talkin’ to you! 2020 is here and it’s time to dream! Listen in and get excited about a new year to dream in!
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