Law Talk

Listens: 21


Attorney John Matulis answers your legal questions on WTIC's Law Talk

Law Talk 3/14/20

Saturday, we talked about the following (only  a portion of what I’d hoped to cover):1. Employee eligibility for Unemployment Compensation if the empl...
Show notes

Law Talk: Consumer Rights (2/1/20)

We returned to one of our most popular topics, Consumer Rights, and in particular, fraud or misconduct by new and used car dealers, repair shops, lend...
Show notes

Law Talk: Civil Law (1/11/20)

Our guest was atty. Patrick Tomasiewicz, owner of Fazzano & Tomasiewicz in Hartford.  We spoke about the civil law regarding sexual abuse claims again...
Show notes

Law Talk: Storm Law (1/4/20)

In light of the winter season, we did a program on Storm Law, a term we used to describe the legal issues surrounding slip-and-fall personal injury ca...
Show notes