Kachi Mitti - A Body of Barefoot Stories

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Imagine a golden hour and you walking down a sandy beach. The waves are tickling your tired bare feet. A cool light breeze is gently whispering in your ears, some fantastical stories. Your eyes begin to shine with all the possible allegories. As you breathe them in, these stories softly roll down the nape of your neck and cradle your heart, warmly. And as the sun starts melting into your body, you find in yourself the strength to ask for just one more adventure. Such is the magic of कच्ची मिटटी stories.

Riya and Rescue

Comprehending our emotions gets so tough as we grow older. All that unprocessed residue of the past, the chaos of the present and the piling dread of ...
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Buxar Ke Baune

Tyrion Lannister inspired Buxar के बौने कहानी कम है, पहेली ज़्यादा। Answer with all your heart, तभी होगा जवाब ना पूरा ना आधा। All of your thoughts mig...
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Be Painde Da Lota (Eid Special) !

There is strength in vulnerability, only if we let it show. Only if, through the cracks of our broken thoughts and unresolved feelings, we let the war...
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You won't believe it, but हमारे Unwritten और Written के बीच का फ़ासला बोहोत कम है। It's just a matter of taking a leap of faith. After all, we are all...
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Meri Kachi Mitti!

'कच्ची मिटटी' से मैं पहली बार बचपन में मिली। Since then she's been my companion through all of my ups, and especially downs. This is one of the reason...
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