Just Another Opinion

Listens: 15


Sports News, Updates, Speculation, and Opinions about the NFL, NBA, College Football, and College Basketball

The NFL is falling apart!

This week we discuss all the players that hit the deck in NFL's week 2, the greatness of LeBron, and make our weekly free throws with a surprise!
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NFL is back baby!

This week Kolter and Steele discuss the first week of the NFL's new season, and the state of the NBA playoffs.
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Steele Curtain

Today, we discuss some big headlines from the NBA and NFL, confront our own pitiful free throw percentage, and introduce our brand new segment: Steele...
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Just Another Opinion is back!

We're back baby! And as sarcastic as ever! In this episode we discuss a hypothetical theoretical, talk about our playoff takeaways, and shoot some lon...
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Is Gronk coming back?

Today we discuss the news of Rob Gronkowski's rights being traded, the upcoming draft, and more of the best receivers of all time.
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Bryce is Back!

Bryce makes his triumphant return to the podcast as we discuss the future of Jameis Winston, Cam Newton, and more!
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