Josh and Sleepy Tyler Talk Hellraiser TrilogyNovember 6, 2020Hellraiser made Tyler more sleepy than an all nighter Listen/Show notes
Josh & Tyler Talk Akira Kurosawa MoviesSeptember 16, 2020We talk aboutRanYojimboRashomonbut did you know I also did ya momListen/Show notes
Josh & Tyler Talk Harry PotterJuly 16, 2020If you tell me to read the books... Shut up. Listen/Show notes
Josh & Tyler Talk Panos CosmatosJuly 3, 2020Beyond the BORING, LET"S TALK ABOUT MANDY!!!Listen/Show notes
Josh & Tyler & Julia Talk DCOMsJune 29, 2020We were actually contractually obligated to release this episode for Disney, to promote Descendants 4 (2021... hopefully). Listen/Show notes
Josh & Tyler Talk Andrei TarkovskyJune 26, 2020Brands awesome, Tarkovsky boring, art sucks... Consume Product I will.Listen/Show notes
Josh & Tyler Talk Robocop FranchiseJune 16, 2020Dead or Alive, Robocop 3 is still trash.Listen/Show notes
Josh & Tyler Talk Transformers MarathonJune 11, 2020yea, we both have a pain fetish.Listen/Show notes
Josh and Tyler talk Birds of Prey and Oscar PredictionsFebruary 12, 2020Bro Birds of Prey has a scene where Harley Quinn says "cause I'm Harley quinn" and she shoots someone and it's cool.... Fun movie. The intro is a Joke...Listen/Show notes