Get Fit with Janice Episode 11
Fitness expert Janice talks about “Rage Against the Machines” and how you can use a substitute exercise to not injure yourself such as doing a Split S...
Eat to Beat Stress - Get Fit with Janice Podcast
Fitness expert Janice talks about how to beat stress and enjoy life by eating almonds and avocados.
Get Fit with Janice Episode 9
Fitness expert Janice talks about the ABC’s of Staying Slim with Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. Q is for Quinoa which has more hunger-taming protein...
Get Fit with Janice Episode 8 - Heart Healthy Eats
Fitness expert Janice talks about Heart Healthy Eats. Blueberries, olive oil, cinnamon, oatmeal, nuts, salmon, flaxseeds, spinach, red wine, grape jui...
Get Fit with Janice Episode 6 - EFGHIJ's of Staying Slim
Fitness expert Janice talks about E, F, G, H, I and J of the ABC’s of Slim. E is for Estimation -- developing an eye for appropriate serving sizes can...
Get Fit with Janice Episode 5
Fitness expert Janice talks about the K,L, M, N of the ABC’s of staying slim. K is for Ketosis -- the point at which your body runs low on carbs and s...
Get Fit with Janice Episode 4
Fitness expert Janice talks about the A, B, C, D’s of staying slim.A is for alcohol, B is for buddies, C is for cortisol and D is for density.
Get Fit With Janice Episode 2
Fitness Expert Janice talks about taking those 10 pounds away.
Get Fit with Janice Episode 1
Welcome to my Get Fit with Janice Podcast. I’m launching my first episode focusing on “Awakening the Fitness Giant Within You” and also getting strong...