High School Dramas/Issues

Listens: 1


Welcome to High School Drama/Issue! In this podcast, we discuss about all possible issues we can find in our school. It could be a bad issue, good issue, or the "pa-drama kids". We also discuss random topics, and play games! If you want to leave us a non-violent question, send your question #HighSchoolDramaIssuePodcast through Twitter! Happy Listening!??

Episode 6: Quarantine

Quarantine, quarantine, quarantine. Online class, slow internet connection, demotivated, lonely, and bored. These are things that we always encounter ...
Show notes

Episode 5: Weird

Grab yourself a cup of coffee and tune in as I catch up with a dear friend and chat about a series of "life-changing" situations. Happy listening!
Show notes

Episode 4: Me time

Aries introduces a new guest, hopefully will be a regular in this show, BostonBerry. Tune in to how they jumped from one subject to another, eventuall...
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Episode 3: Valentine's Special

I know, we are one day late of recording this episode. Supposed to be we are going to record it at Feb. 14, it turns out that we don’t have much time ...
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Episode 1: Fake friends

   Welcome to High School Drama/Issue! In this podcast, we discuss about all possible issues we can find in our school. It could be a bad issue, good ...
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