Guess who’s back? COVID is over (not really, like, at all) and the bars have opened back up (foreclosed, had to panhandle across America)! Obviously w...
We finally found the actual keys to the bar so Dillon doesn’t have to pick the lock anymore. That’s enough of a reason to drink in itself, right? Come...
BINGO! That’s right, it’s a new year and that means it’s time to cash in our celebrity death BINGO cards and pick our choices for a new round in 2021....
Happy Hour, Happy Year. That’s how the saying goes, right? It’s a new year and that means Happy Hour with the Three Guys is back with brand new episod...
This week, we wander back into the bar with a little E. It ain’t “B&E” if you’re not breaking anything, right? Join us as we discuss underwear, again,...
Lock picks in tow again this week, we set out to the bar. We can’t help but notice things are getting a little low on stock and dammit, the air seems ...
Quarantine? What quarantine. With a set of lock picks, we set out to the bar to discuss COVID, weird things we’ve… know..underwear, drugs, Hal...
We’ve crowbarred ourselves out of quarantine for another episode of Happy Hour! This week, naturally, we discuss COVID-19 pretty deeply, including the...
Hey, we’re ok. Yes, seriously. Don’t believe us? Here’s a podcast. This week we talk about COVID-19. Obviously. We also talk about Kobe Bryant (yes, d...
You know what they say: don’t exercise before dawn. We’re not sure what that means or if it’s even a thing, but they say it. Or not. But regardless, t...