Free school music

Listens: 176.88k


Thanks for listening free school music. it's a free music Bank for you. Yes copyright free tension free Newly created 2021 free music Bank for creators. You can use all music's non commercial creations. currently more than 400 music episode.Weekly updated music podcast. Yes per week new music of all genres Listen everywhere. all musical episodes are instrumental..all music's are first time on love to listen....... this musical podcast. created & mix by (Samiran Banerjee) (It's actually a music experimental project) Please buy a coffee for the artist. contact:

Episode 429 music of the year

Check out the best music, present by free school music 2022, oriental trap mix.

Tags: trap, oriental, Asian,south,Desi, remixes,dance.

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Episode 427 India special

At last waiting is over. Never give up...Check out latest Indian vangra music episode by free school music podcast... hope you love it.

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Episode 425 techno EDM mix

Check out latest duble track techno EDM mix episode!

This music episode is fully dedicated to Ashburn city and Boardman people.thanks for y...

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