Verse by verse studies through books of the Bible. In this series titled Hard To Heart we learn about the work God does in the lives of His people as well as the fate of our world, particularly Israel, in the future.
Ezekiel ends his remarkable prophecy by letting us know that in the future Millennial Kingdom, Jerusalem will have a new name. Weʼll see it in the ver...
One special characteristic of the Feast of Tabernacles was the pouring of a vessel of water into a basin that was located at the base of the altar. (P...
Feasts are featured in this chapter. In fact, it closes with a look at the kitchens the levites will use in their preparations for the various feasts....
In the future Millennial Kingdom Jesus will again distribute the land by lot only without the drama. That distribution begins here in chapter 45. (Pas...
We begin to get the order of service in the future Millennial Temple. The very fact that there is an order of service and that the believers have cert...
Sooner or later someone is going to tell you that the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible. Thatʼs correct. A lot of words arenʼt found in the Bib...
Ezekiel is going to fall down at the glory of God only to be lifted up by the Holy Spirit so he doesnʼt miss recording anything. (Pastor Gene Pensiero...
Ezekiel had missed an opportunity. At the start of our studies we noted that although Ezekiel was a priest, he was exiled to Babylon before he was of ...
A man with a measuring rod in his hand takes Ezekiel on a tour of the future Millennial Temple. Itʼs none other than the Lord Himself. (Pastor Gene Pe...