Executive Moms' Stories

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‘Executive Moms’s Stories’ brings to you the techniques from Working Moms to keep a balance at work and home. Every fortnight your hosts Kulbir and Kavita will be interacting with a Working Mom to explore the challenges she faces and her weaponry to handle them. Sharing of experiences with many others can help someone who is going through this phase of life or about to enter this. Our motive is to share and learn from each other. For feedback or to be a guest at our show you can reach us at exemomstories@gmail.com.

Episode 23_Anita Dhingra

Episode- 23 of Executive Moms’ Stories is out. We talked to Anita Dhingra, Anita is founder of Manmohan Exports which caters to domestic & internation...
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Episode 20_Priyanka Pandey

Episode- 20 of Executive Moms’ Stories is out. We talked to Priyanka Pandey. Priyanka is a Fashion Designer having 20 years of experience with Europea...
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Episode 19_Irfat Hasan

Episode- 19 of Executive Moms’ Stories is out. We talked to Irfat Hasan. She is mother of four and half years old daughter, an MBA & currently working...
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Episode 18_Udita Saklani

Episode- 18 of Executive Moms’ Stories is out. We talked to Udita Saklani, single parent of 5 years old daughter, blogger and an IT professional. The ...
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Episode 17_Srushti Rao

Episode-17 of Executive Moms’ Stories is out. We talked to Srushti Rao. A well know Artist & Writer. Srushti is Associate Vice President - Communicati...
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Episode 16_Seema Gurnani

Episode-16 of Executive Moms’ Stories is out. We talked to Seema Gurnani, Manager at Engineers India Ltd. The boom points of her story: • Lockdown- No...
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Episode 14_Preeti Gupta

Episode-13 of Executive Moms’ Stories is out. We talked to Preeti Gupta. Preeti is a content writer. She has worked with Aakash Digital, HT Campus, YN...
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