DW Don't Blink

Listens: 15


Two Doctor who fans, one a fan of the old series one a fan of the new, get thrown through time back to 1963 and have to make it back by watching every episode from the very beginning. The best way to spend the time while there aren't any new Doctor Who episodes in 2016 is to enjoy the vast back catalog. We discuss each episode in order until one of us gives up!

Season 10, Episode 270, Extremis

Originally recorded around June 9, 2017. I know, took long enough to post this one. Somehow it got lost in the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. So enj...
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Season 01, Episode 004, Marco Polo

Two intrepid time travelers set their sights on Feb 22, 1964-April 4, 1964 and watch a recreation of the William Hartnell Doctor Who Serial, Marco Pol...
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Season 03, Episode 018, Galaxy 4

Join us as we discuss the 18th Serial of Doctor Who. This Season 3 opener aired between September 11 and October 2, 1965 with William Hartnell as the ...
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Season 00, Episode 000 We're Back!

So we have been gone a while. Here is the explanation. No we are not quitting. We have recorded new episodes but due to hitting a limit on our storage...
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Special Episode: 2017 NY Comic Con

It has been a while since you've heard from us, but we are still here and still watching Doctor Who. In fact, we went to the 2017 NY Comic Con. So her...
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Season 01, Episode 006, The Aztecs

Our two Doctor Who fans travel back in time to watch the sixth serial in the Doctor&aposs first season. They join William Hartnel and his companions t...
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