DVD podBLAST 2011 | Archive

Listens: 62


Season Four of DVD podBLAST Alternative DVD Commentary. Download the BLASTs, sync them up with the DVD, then kick back and enjoy the movie as no one ever has. Find us on Facebook and Twitter (@dvdpodblast) and keep up with the madness.

The Bounty Hunter

Special Guest Brooke Edwards joins the boys as they ponder the deep questions such as:Who wrote this garbage?Who cast this guy?Real or Fake (and do yo...
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It's the dawn of a new day. No, not the movie. The movie sucks. HARD. Just like all the rest. No, this is the first ever Streaming BLAST!So fire up t...
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The Wolfman

Happy Halloween 'Phemers! Enjoy the gore!Also enjoy all the gross special effects in the movie!
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Dinner For Schmucks

So... who are the real schmucks? The idiots that these horrible people invite to a dinner in order to make fun of them? Or the idiots that sat throug...
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Not a poorly reviewed movie, overall. In fact, in the days leading up to the BLAST, it was suggested that someone may be interested in actually defen...
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Aliens have invaded! And they need brains!This could have been the best ID4/Matrix/War of the Worlds/FaceOff/Terminator mash-up ever. If only it had ...
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Sex & The City 2

Some BLASTs are endurance races, some are short and terrible, this one is a terrible endurance race.Luckily, the BLAST Kittens took care of the bulk ...
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Howard the Duck

FINALLY!  Here it is... Howard the Duck. It couldn't escape its destiny forever.Special Guest!  BLASTphemer David G.Also: higher quality audio (bigge...
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