Downloads – Strange Frequencies Radio

Listens: 188


Strange Frequencies Radio Archive

SFR 548: Hanging With the Boys

–Bobby’s animals are destroying his microphone and mixing board bit by bit, and Jason can totally relate. –Star Wars nerds can rejoice at our May the ...
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SFR 541: Notes From Underground

–SFR is back! No server, no real iTunes, no fucks given. We’re available on our website via the Dropbox link.–What have we been up to during the time ...
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SFR 540: Twenty Twenty-Four

–Jason was confused by a text Bobby sent him earlier, so Bobby has to explain about the Nelson’s newest foster child.–Though we don’t exactly do a “pa...
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SFR 539: Renegade Radio

–Where have we been? Well, within the last month, we managed to get suspended from our webhost and server, and Bobby (and family) all got COVID. How h...
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SFR 538: Kissing Corpses

–Strange Frequencies Radio is back in your life, continuing Werewolf October, and talking a bit about its origins.–Bobby has a basement dweller and he...
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SFR 537: Small Town Monsters

–SFR is in your ears, and It’s Werewolf October, our favorite time of the year! Expect talk of monsters and other creatures throughout this episode an...
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SFR 536: What’s Going On?

–Back in the saddle, and back in your ears. It’s been a few weeks, but we’re glad to be with you. –The reason for our absence? As explained on our Fac...
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SFR 535: Solving Sightings

–Just before we started recording, we had a conversation Jason asks Bobby to continue here on the podcast. Namely, how Bobby got roped into helping hi...
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SFR 534: The Joy of Being Scared

–SFR is back in your life! Bobby is on-call, and Jason is breaking bald. So before we get to the big issues, let’s cover a little older ground —Facebo...
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SFR 533: That Goddamn Batman

–We figure to get into the Democratic National Convention, but first Bobby unexpectedly gets into how much he hates the trailer to The Batman –Since J...
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