The group learns their fate after dealing with the hunters they encountered. Dane - Played by Cyclops Dante - Played by Micah Diovonni - Played by G...
Dio practices his art, Zephyr spends money, and the rest of the group learns information is hard to obtain. Dane - Played by Cyclops Dante - Played ...
The group establishes a resting point within Giizmar, the city of the gnomes. Dane - Played by Cyclops Dante - Played by Micah Diovonni - Played by ...
The party travels east to the nation of Dolthrein in search of Rogan's quarry, Grund. Dane - Played by Cyclops Dante - Played by Micah Diovonni - Pl...
Dante speaks with the Shadow Fey Prince to learn his motivations going forward. LIVE Q&A: July 16th, 2017 at 7:00 PM PST we will be having a live Q&A ...
The group discusses the results of Dane's rite and decides on where to go next. LIVE Q&A: July 16th, 2017 at 7:00 PM PST we will be having a live Q&A ...
The party awakes to a welcome breakfast and Dane later decides what to do about his cursed blood. Dane - Played by Cyclops Dante - Played by Micah D...
The party reconvenes as the wildfire rages throughout the mountains. Leaving them with the predicament of calming the fire and saving those that still...
Dante, Coury, and Chorum head to the mountains in search of the Pale Bear, hoping to beat the rest of the party to it after Coury and Zephyr had made ...
The group, excluding Dante, travels north to participate in the hunt of the pale bear for the final day of the winter festival of Erathas. Dane - Pl...