DHYANA: The Society For Consciousness And Awareness

Listens: 32.37k


DHYANA: the society for consciousness and awareness brings to you a series of podcasts exploring topics from pandemic to relationships! :)

How to beat rejection?

In a world with over seven billion people and more than five billion jobs, rejection just means next !

Getting rejected by friends, family o...

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Learn to Unlearn

On your adventure through life, have you ever discovered that you learned something as a child, however as you progressed through life you start qu...

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Imposter Syndrome

Wonder why can’t so many of us shake feelings that we haven’t earned our accomplishments, or that our ideas and skills aren’t worthy of others’ att...

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Menstruation in the Vedas

Check out this podcast where we answer questions such as:

  • What is pure and what is impure?
  • Does menstruation create negative ene...
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Inclusive Sex Education in India

Do you think that introduction of sex education in curriculum can have a cynical effect on adolescents? Do you hesitate before saying the word 'sex'? ...
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