A weekly dramatic anthology series for radio, featuring stories of suspense, horror, intrugue, technology, and science-fiction. Produced at CJSW Calgary. Artwork: Tom Bagley
Mary would do anything to win the fellowship at Prometheus Lab’s for her work on the human body - a modern retelling of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein in ...
Barbara is visiting her mother-in-law after the death of her spouse. While sorting old belongings, she discovers an old hobby they once shared - radio...
David and his teenage daughter Freeney have found the perfect house to begin anew after a family tragedy. The home's previous residents however, have ...
Don Watson is the famous voice of Captain Courageous, a children's radio show in the 1940's. He is soon confronted with the very nemesis his fictional...
Dr. Flynn Cardinal is making a house call to the mysterious Sands Mansion, a home that has always captured his curiosity. There indeed is more to the ...
Maude is making a fresh start, new apartment, new roommate. The unusual superintendent in the building seems strange at first, but as Maude learns - h...
Business has been slow for Gord, but his landlord Erma has a plan to bring the rent out of arrears. As fate would have it, this plan may not be as eas...