The Classical Theism Podcast aims to defend Catholic Christian ideas in conversation. With the help of various guests, I defend three pillars of the Catholic Christian worldview: (1) the God of classical theism exists, (2) Jesus is our Messiah and Lord, and (3) He founded the Catholic Church. We place a strong emphasis on the first pillar, defending classical theism, drawing upon the work of Thomistic philosopher Dr. Edward Feser and many others. Thanks for listening! John DeRosa
The Classical Theism Podcast aims to defend Catholic Christian ideas in conversation. With the help of various guests, I defend three pillars of the C...
What is happiness and how can we get it? Would St. Thomas have anything to say about comparing ourselves to other people? What will not make us happy ...
Why and how did you change your mind regarding Trinitarian classical theism? What are some common mistakes you see being made in contemporary theology...
Is Aquinas best described as a philosopher or theologian? What is most notable about his work as a biblical theologian? How does Aquinas understand pr...
What are the divine ideas? How do they relate to creation? What should Catholics believe about the 6 days of creation? Why is it important to believe ...
What is God? What does the Catholic Church teach about the nature of God? How is such teaching supported by Sacred Scripture? Is it still tenable to h...
The Classical Theism Podcast aims to defend Catholic Christian ideas in conversation. With the help of various guests, I defend three pillars of the C...
What is knowledge? What is the view "explanationism" that Dr. Bogardus defends? How would it account for sensory, memory, or rational knowledge? Can t...
How is the Eucharist prefigured in the Old Testament? What New Testament texts support Catholic doctrine on the Eucharist? Why should we think the mas...
What does the Catholic Church teach about homosexuality? Why does she teach this? What are the most important distinctions we need to present in dialo...