Every successful creative professional starts somewhere. No matter how much talent they were born with, a special mix of drive, passion, risk and timing got them to where they are now. This podcast explores the careers of the world's most successful creatives.
Get your tickets here: http://www.festivalofcinemanyc.com/events/coffee-and-a-donut/ The film's website is: https://www.coffeeandadonutfilm.com Social...
See the film Bei Bei and follow Marion and Rose at the links below: http://www.festivalofcinemanyc.com/events/bei-bei/ (Festival of Cinema NYC runs fr...
Follow Mariah and the film and get tickets here: https://www.brooklynfilmfestival.org/film-detail?fid=2106 Instagram @mariahewilson Twitter @mariahwil...
Get tickets to the screenings and follow the film here: https://www.brooklynfilmfestival.org/film-detail?fid=2015 https://www.facebook.com/hashtagLIKE...
Get tickets to the film and follow on social media here: Instagram: @sanctuary_film @cordobaa https://www.brooklynfilmfestival.org/film-detail?fid=206...
Director of photography Jay Feather is a friendly and humble guy whose breadth of career experience affirms his strong commitment to both the artistry...