We’re back! (Again) After another short hiatus, the PodCats are back and they’re comin’ atchya! In today’s episode, we talk about where we’ve been, w...
There are countless video games based on movies. Some are good, some are bad. But when the adaptation goes the other way, things don’t usually go so...
In this episode, Nahanni, Brendan and Bryan reminisce some of their past multiplayer video game experiences (and a few non-video game ones). Re-live ...
The Hateful Eight and The Ridiculous 6 notwithstanding, the Western genre of film has largely fallen out of fashion with today’s moviegoers. But not ...
In this episode, Brendan and Bryan discuss the various movies and TV shows that their respective four year-old daughters watch. PodCats: Brendan Main,...
There was a time when obtaining a movie to watch was simple. You went to a video rental store and spent 90 minutes picking out just the right VHS or ...
In many ways, Christmas was made for nerds. It has an epic origin story, flashing lights, and its greatest hero is a fat guy with a beard who eats a ...
WE’RE BACK! After months away due to sickness (then laziness), The PodCats are back at it. Thank you for your patience. We return just in time for th...
This week, we’ve got something a little different for you. Today, Bryan interviews his long-time friend and owner of Flooded Studios, Joe Beausoliel ...
In this episode, the PodCats discuss promotional giveaways, such as from fast-food restaurants to Comic Cons. As always, some are better than others....