Canopy Church Podcast

Listens: 17


Sermons from Canopy Church in Orange County, California

Acts | Church Characteristics

Hey Canopy! So glad you could tune in! This week, Josh is continuing our Acts series. Continuing to dive into what our core convictions as a church ar...
Show notes

Acts | Works Jesus 'Began'

Good morning Canopy! Were so thankful you're here with us today. Josh is coming back... unbearded *gasp*. We know. But that's just perfect, ...
Show notes

Acts | Context

Hello there! So glad you could make it!Today we are beginning a new series. This will be a longer series on the book of Acts. Josh Harrison is here to...
Show notes

Canopy Church | Child Dedications

Good morning Canopy! This Sunday morning is extra special, we get to witness child dedications take place! We have a special guest speaker today, with...
Show notes