The buds are joined by Clay Briar, partner and compliance guru at Green Belt Strategies, to discuss the ins and outs of winning cannabis licenses in t...
The buds are joined by Cameron Bravmann, host of YouTube series Deep Roots and owner of Green Belt Strategies, to discuss the busy life of a cannabis ...
The buds are joined by returning guest Calvin from Natural Stat Glass Designs to discuss the nuance of concentrates and the custom glass basses he mak...
The buds are joined by former Marine Raider, Bryan Buckley, to discuss his company Helmand Valley Growers Company and non-profit operation, Battle Bro...
The buds discuss the art of blending bud to stretch your medicine and maximize the medical benefits followed by the review of Double Stuffed SorbetThe...
The buds break down the info on Delta 8 THC followed by the review of the elusive strain, Tangilope.Theme Song: Light It UpArtist: JAM Studiohttps://w...
The buds discuss the flower shortages in Arkansas along with expiring cards, followed by the review of the iconic strain Pineapple Express.Theme Song:...
The buds are joined by Lance McDaniel and Dave Snell of The Shotgunbillys to discuss their upcoming album Mississippi, followed by the review of sativ...
The buds are joined by Alice Mangan, owner of Alice CBD, to discuss the finer details of CBD and the growing trend of CBG products; followed by the st...
The buds are joined by former drug counselor, Rachel, to discuss the benefits of cannabis and CBD with opiate recovery, followed by the strain review ...