Buds Talking Buds

Listens: 39


Three buds get together and share their knowledge of the Arkansas Cannabis Industry.

Delta 8 THC / Tangilope

The buds break down the info on Delta 8 THC followed by the review of the elusive strain, Tangilope.Theme Song: Light It UpArtist: JAM Studiohttps://w...
Show notes

The Shotgunbillys / Lemon Icing

The buds are joined by Lance McDaniel and Dave Snell of The Shotgunbillys to discuss their upcoming album Mississippi, followed by the review of sativ...
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aliceCBD / Ayahuasca Purple

The buds are joined by Alice Mangan, owner of Alice CBD, to discuss the finer details of CBD and the growing trend of CBG products; followed by the st...
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