Brotherrobs Show - Integrity Episode 3
Are you able to commit to a promise to God, knowing that it will change your life, and affect the lives of others?
Brotherrobs Show -episode 2:2020
This show talks about the books and the characters of the Bible, nothing too deep, just a conversation, and comparison to todays life, while looking f...
Early Rise "a marrage in cana"
the conversation of the first recorded miracle of Jesus, before it 's time.
Brother Rob's Show Episode 3 Can God call U Faithful
Job was so faithful, God bragged on him, can God call you faithful?
Brother Rob's Show Episode #2 - 1:7:17, 4.52 PM
Our Job as Minsters of the Gospel, True Disciples.
Early Rise Death and ressurection
A bible study of the death and resurrection of Christ, a little reminder of the reason for the season