Before I Sleep

Listens: 463.3k


What you think about before you sleep plays a huge role in what you end up doing after you wake up. Visit the link given below and use the invite code 'hubhopper' to avail special discount. This show, brought to you by Wink & Nod, uses techniques from various manifestation coaches - as well as some of Sonata's own - to give you a dose of things to think about before you sleep. Unwind, relax and surrender yourself to a restful slumber while prepping your subconscious to bring about a better version of you. No matter what you are going through, you will definitely benefit from listening to "Before I Sleep".

Let it go

This episode talks about the importance of snapping out of the win-lose cycle and letting things go. The obsession with trying to control outcomes is ...
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Desire the feeling

In this episode Sonata breaks down goal seeking comparative behavior and the need to control outcomes in life. She talks about how contentment precede...
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Soul Detox

We often go through special diets and cleanses for our physical bodies but how do we detox our soul? In this episode Sonata talks about the importance...
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The power of observation

This episode talks about how we can switch out of autopilot living and create a reality to our liking merely by choosing to observe and focus correctl...
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The womb of calm

Manifesting a calm state of mind is the first step in the journey of conscious creation. Listen to this podcast before you sleep to learn a technique ...
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I bring you a podcast that you can listen to, to have a good night sleep.
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