American Diplomat

Listens: 26


American Diplomat goes behind the scenes to hear real stories from diplomats who lived newsworthy events overseas. Experience the Cuban revolution, Central American insurgencies, the end of apartheid and more through the eyes of those who were there. A project of the Una Chapman Cox Foundation in partnership with the American Academy of Diplomacy.

Sex Up This Cable!

24 hours news TV totally changed the State Department comms staple, the cable. Pete hopped on the “wireless” to save a democracy and Amb. John Feeley ...
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The Diplomat - You Asked!

By listener request, Pete and Laura have binged the Netflix show The Diplomat. Pete answers:  How real is it? Laura answers (even though no one actual...
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Israel's Judicial Reforms

Say what?  "Reforms?"  Or simply a way for Netanyahu to skirt the law and consolidate power?  True, some felt that the Israeli court had abused its po...
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Whither NATO?

Years ago, many wondered what had become the purpose of NATO.  Not anymore!  General Doug Lute, former US Permanent Representative to NATO (also forme...
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City and State Diplomacy

Wait a sec!  Diplomacy is between countries, right? So why does State have a whole office for City and State Diplomacy? Ambassador Nina Hachigian, hea...
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South Korea State Visit, April 26

On April 26, President Biden will host the second state dinner of his presidency, with President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea.  Why is this only the s...
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Human Rights in Foreign Policy

Jimmy Carter is in hospice and Lizzy Shackelford is back to focus on human rights in foreign policy, the first rules for which began under Carter’s pr...
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